Preview of "Swamp House" match at Extreme rules "Horror Show"

Braun Strowman defended his Universal Championship against the Firefly funhouse's Bray Wyatt at Money in the Bankwhere the monster used Bray Wyatt's own mind games to retain the Universal Championship.

Bray Wyatt left the WWE Universe in void and never appeared until last week. A lot of things happened in just over a month of quick time.

The monster amongst men successfully defended his Universal Championship against the Miz and Morrison in a two on one handicapped match at WWE Backlash.

Last week, Bray Wyatt brought his alter ego, The Eater of Worlds, back and the The Eater of Worlds who isn't finished with his nephew challenged Braun Strowman for a rematch.

He got the whole world. He got the whole world. No, not this time. Braun Strowman isn't scared of his Shepherd this time and this week on Smackdown, the monster amongst men challenged Bray Wyatt in a swamp house match.

A few years ago Bray Wyatt created Braun Strowman and he is planning to destroy him but the monster amongst men has different ideas. Strowman is trying to destroy his master with his own mind games.

This week on Smackdown, Braun Strowman revealed his first meeting with Bray Wyatt. The monster amongst men said he felt the true terror when he met the Eater of the worlds.

Braun Strowman said that they were sitting on the edge of the swamp where a snake crawled towards Bray Wyatt. Braun Strowman stated that he tried to kill that snake but stopped when Wyatt said no.

Braun Strowman described that Wyatt faced the snake. Strowman explained that Bray was bitten by the snake multiple times without getting the venom.

That's when Braun Strowman realised that Bray Wyatt is a real devil. Braun Strowman feared Bray and joined his side then. Strowman continued that he conquered that fear and challenged Bray Wyatt to a match in his own Swamp House.

It is reported from various sources that universal championship will not be on the line. If that's the case, we can hope the Eater of Worlds to stand tall. Regarding the swamp house match at Extreme rules, it will be a cinematic match like Undertaker vs AJ Styles and extreme rules is dubbed as "Horror Show" because of the said match.

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