Cynthia Calvillo claims that Jessica Eye weighed like a bantamweight contender

Cynthia Calvillo has just become the hot topic of UFC by defeating number one flyweight contender. Cynthia Calvillo didn't hesitate to show her true strength in her flyweight debut match over Jessica Eye. Cynthia Calvillo defeated the number one contender Jessica Eye via unanimous decision at FIght Night to become the sensation of Night.

After her impressive victory over Evil, Cynthia Calvillo spoke about the weight class which played an important role in turning this match. Cynthia Calvillo's opponent, Jessica Eye made it to 126.25 pounds and was charged with 25% of fight proceedings. However, Jessica Eye was proud to make such a close weight in this situation.

But, Cynthia Calvillo didn't agree to the weights and claimed Eye was more weighted than what was shown. Cynthia Calvillo claimed that Eye didn’t miss weight by 0.25 rather she missed weight a lot more.

On the post fight conference, Cynthia Calvillo revealed that Eye had held on to the towel when she got on the scale. Cynthia Calvillo said that they have received a text message from Eye's coach saying that Eye would miss weight by three and a half pounds and not 0.25 pounds.

Cynthia Calvillo said that’s the reason for Eye's happiness. Eye was happy for missing the weight claiming that she was able to make it close to the required weight in this situation. Cynthia Calvillo stated that Jessica Eye was a big challenge for her as she weighed a lot heavier than her. Cynthia Calvillo said that she fought somebody who was a bantamweight and claimed to be a flyweight.

Cynthia Calvillo also missed the weight and she responded to that. Cynthia Calvillo said that she missed weight and fought people that missed weight. Calvillo stated that it’s all about how one carries when they miss the weight. Cynthia Calvillo stated that she cried for hours when she missed the weight unlike Jessica Eye who was happy to miss the weight.

It was really a big challenge for Cynthia Calvillo to fight the one who is too heavier than her. Cynthia Calvillo said that she can't refuse the fight for the simple weight reason. At the end of the day, it was all about the business and Cynthia Calvillo just beat the number one contender and she is likely to be the new contender for the flyweight championship.

The President of UFC was impressed by Cynthia Calvillo's performance and responded to the current situations. Dana White stated that Cynthia Calvillo looked great and fought a perfect fight. Dana White thinks that Cynthia Calvillo's standup looked good and stated that's the immediate recipe for the title shot.

Dana White stated that it's simple business of beating the number one contender. If you beat the number one contender, You become the number one contender. This works for Cynthia Calvillo and she may face the flyweight champion for the gold. Remember, This worked for Gilbert Burns too.

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