Myles Jury lists the major difference between UFC and Bellator

  • Myles Jury, Current Bellator superstar who also worked for UFC recently stated the difference between these big promotions. 
  • He listed the main difference is a control which is very height under Dana White's promotion. 
  • Myles Jury added that fighters are key for promotion and they need not every talk
Myles Jury, Former member of UFC Family and the current member of Bellator MMA recently listed out the difference between these top brands in his opinion. Myles Jury debuted in UFC in 2012 against Micheal Johnson securing his path to the top MMA promotion of all time.

After a few ups and downs which ended Myles Jury's undefeated streak, Myles Jury left UFC in 2019 and joined Bellator MMA. After an unsuccessful debut at Bellator MMA, Myles Jury has bounced back and secured a victory over Brandon Gritz highlighting his lightweight return. After this victory, Myles Jury is at a stand of 18-5 MMA, 1-1 BMMA.

Myles Jury stated that the main difference between these two promotions is control. In the viewpoint of Myles Jury, UFC’s urge to control everything took its toll on him. Myles Jury also added that his fight week experiences comparing to UFC is much different now.

Myles Jury said the main difference stands on the control as UFC are control freaks and they like to control everything. He added that UFC controls everything including what you wear and when to show up at the fight week and how a person presents himself.

Myles Jury openly revealed that UFC loves to control and if anyone says something bad, They get cut. Myles Jury said it's more relaxed in Bellator and you can come in and do your own thing out there.

Bellator just wants fighters to show up and fight well. There are no such things as fight weeks at Bellator which is more relaxing. Myles Jury likes that environment.

Myles Jury mentioned about the mechanical environment at the UFC. Myles Jury said he is a fighter and doesn't work in an office where rules and regulations are fixed. Myles Jury didn't like people telling him what he needs to wear and want he wants to do. Myles Jury fights for the fallen and said that the fighters are products and they are the one who puts up the show.

Myles Jury explained the difference between UFC and Bellator in layman's term. Myles Jury said UFC is very big and feels corporate like a big corporate restaurant and said Bellator is a strong mom-and-pop shop that comes from a good place where they let you be yourself a little bit more.

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