Sammy Guevera likes to see Kurt Angle in AEW

  • Sammy Guevera, A member of the Inner circle recently said he loves to see Kurt Angle in AEW. 
  • Kurt Angle was released by WWE during this so-called Financial Cuts. 
  • Is Kurt Angle interested in Joining the hottest wrestling promotion of all time?
WWE recently released many top superstars from their company like Kurt Angle, Rusev, Zack Ryder, Heath Slater, Rowan, The Revival, The OC, and others due to so-called financial cuts.

AEW, The hottest wrestling promotion of all time is having an eye to recruit top WWE superstars who are no more a part of WWE family.

Cody Rhodes, The executive vice president of AEW and also a ring performer is very interested in adding Zack Ryder, The Revolt [ FKA The Revival ], and many other talents to the company with some new gimmicks.

Sammy Guevera, Who is part of AEW from the beginning is making his mark in AEW. Sammy Guevera is part of the most dominant faction in AEW called the Inner Circle, Which is led by Former WWE superstar, Chris Jericho.

Talking about the released superstars, The Spanish Sex God, Sammy Guevera is interested in Kurt Angle and Zack Ryder (aka Matt Cardona) to be a part of AEW.

Sammy Guevera said he would want to pick up Kurt Angle particularly if he can still wrestle every now and then. Sammy Guevera specifically said Kurt needs not to wrestle every week but on certain days which  Kurt Angle likes to fight for keeping his prestige.

Sammy Guevera thinks Kurt Angle could be a role model to the younger AEW roster just like Chris Jericho. Think about Kurt Angle becoming a heel character after a long time and leading Inner Circle. Sammy Guevera loves this concept than anyone else.

Sammy Guevera is also willing to see Zack Ryder in the company which would likely happen in the future as Cody Rhodes mentioned that Zack is next to the company.
Sammy Guevera said Zack Ryder is super creative and loves to see him in the promotion.

All of the names here had chances to appear in AEW except Heath Slater. Cody Rhodes is not interested to recruit Heath to the company.


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