Curtis Axel released from WWE. AEW champion Jon Moxley responds to recent WWE releases.

WWE has been releasing many extraordinary talents from the business in these tough times. recently they released talents like Kurt Angle, Rusev, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson, and many more. sources also confirmed that they have also released former UFC champion, Cain Velasquez. Recently WWE announced on social media platforms on the release of former Intercontinental champion and former tag team champion, Curtis Axel.

Curtis Axel had no good time in WWE. This 40 years old superstar was not used properly by WWE. Curtis Axel had a notable performance for few years with his tag team partner bo Dallas combined called as B-team or the Miztoutrage along with the Miz. WWE early announced on media that Curtis Axel was released and wished him for his future endeavors.

Back before release of Curtis Axel, the AEW World Champion. Jon Moxley spoke about the recent WWE releases. Jon Moxley was asked about recent cuts in WWE and his reaction and advice. Moxley revealed how his wife Renee Paquette received the messages right before the WWE releases. Moxley called that incident heartbreaking.

Jon Moxley said that was heartbreaking kind of thing to see. Moxley said that they[ Moxley and Renee] just got up and she [Renee] was receiving that news before it broke from like the kind of a source, Moxley said that one of Renee Young's friend in WWE was being like, 'Oh my God they are letting all these people go.' Moxley said that names of superstars who are being released are popping in Renee's phone and he was like 'Really, really, oh!, oh!, God.' Moxley was very sad as well as surprised during the releases.

Moxley said that he would advise seeing at all the possibilities more so than what they have missed out. Moxley said that a lot of times in his career these things he thought were bad things or challenges over the years led him to ultimately be where he can't imagine in his career turning out differently and not standing where he is standing.

Jon Moxley was also asked about one of the phrases which were often used by Vince McMahon ["This is such good shit, pal!"]. Moxley used that line during an interview when he left WWE. also, this line was mentioned by a puppet which represents McMahon on firefly Fun House match at WrestleMania 36.

Jon Moxley said that he wad kind of pop by listening to that line in the firefly fun house match when "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt defeated John Cena. Moxley said that it was funny. Moxley thinks that he might have popularized that line or made it into a pop culture thing. But everybody knows that its McMahon phrase, the boss has been saying that at for decades. Moxley said that people who were doing Vince McMahon impressions have also been saying 'that's good shit' before Moxley even entered the wrestling industry.

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