Renee Young warned McMahon that it would be a disaster if she was the ring announcer


  • Renee Young, The host of WWE backstage is interested in the management of WWE superstars.
  •  Renee Young who has a diverse field of knowledge in WWE is willing to get a bunch of good time in management. 
  • Renee Young also said if she was a ring announcer, It would be a disaster.

Renee Young, A big name in WWE for her performance as a backstage host is now thinking to move to the management field. From beginning her career as an interviewer, Renee Young improved a lot and showed her various talents.

For many people out there, Renee Young was one of the main reasons to watch WWE during 2012 and so on. Later, She turned as a commentator and showed how a woman can roast in speaking.

At one point in her career, Many people thought she would be fired from WWE as his husband, Jon Moxley joined WWE'S rival company, AEW, which didn't happen. Now, Renee Young is the host of WWE Backstage along with Former WWE Wrestler, Booker T and Paige and many other appearances.

Renee Young is not satisfied with all of these roles and she just wants the smoke. Recently in a conversation video, Renee Young expressed her dream to be the manager of some WWE superstars which may happen in future.

When Renee Young was asked whether she was interested in management or not, She replied that she would love to do that. Renee Young said It’s something that she is always kind of wanted to dabble in.

Renee Young was also asked on whom she would be paired with for which she expressed her inner feelings. Renee Young said she already has an idea in her head on whom she has to choose.

Renee Young said the one person who she thought for a second is Greatest acquisition of SmackDown live, Elias. Renee Young said it would be really fun to manage Elias as his band manager or something.

Elias should be careful with this statement. Renee Young might just have joked. But, If Jon Moxley returns to WWE, He might just take a heck out of Elias. [Don't pump up, Take it in a funny way]

Renee Young also joked that she wouldn’t be a very good referee or ring announcer. Renee Young said Vince McMahon apparently tried to get her as a ring announcer. But, Renee Young warned McMahon that it would be a disaster.

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