Jon Moxley reveals his coolest moment in AEW - Mox part 2

Jon Moxley reveals his coolest moment in AEW - Mox part 2

This is the continuation of Jon Moxley's cage fighter interview part 1. It is advisable to read the first part then move on to the second one.

Jon Moxley also revealed one of the coolest moments in AEW. He said that at first Tony Khan, Cody Rhodes and he himself didn't think AEW would get real. They were nervous. Moxley didn't know whether AEW could make it two hours long. On October 2, the date at which AEW started to air the television show, AEW Dynamite, Jon Moxley was backstage and was watching at the clock. When the time hit 10, Moxley realized that they did a complete two hours program. During that time Inner Circle was at the ring and everyone was booing them. But, When Dynamite went off air, they started to applaud them. Fans understood that AEW did a two-hour program. Jon Moxley said it was the coolest moment in AEW

These are really tough times for professional wrestling industries and for everyone. Jon Moxley said that having an audience is a very critical element of pro wrestling and if nobody’s in the building it just sucks so much of the energy out of everything and it’s really challenging. He said that everybody is finding different ways to work around these difficult times, He said that whether that’s the way people shoot it on camera or the cinematic style they perform in, It’s definitely tough.

Jon Moxley said that when a building is going crazy and it’s all loud, it can almost be like a mask and stuff. It keeps the energy going more. He said that he was really proud of the match he had with Jake Hager the other week in front of no people because it was just kind of real physical, realistic and they beat the actual crap out of each other. It was kind of what they had to do.

Jon Moxley added that It’s not ideal for anybody to wrestle in front of empty arenas, but as long as everybody’s safe and so forth. He said that the whole world right now is going through really hard times and struggling and there’s a lot going on out there, so the best they ( Wrestling Industry) can do is just provide a slight distraction for a minute to make the audience happy.

Jon Moxley was asked about these tough times and was questioned whether the tapings must go on in these tough times. Jon Moxley said that he didn't really know. He said that they filmed AEW last time in Jacksonville and Mox was there. After that Moxley hasn't left his house in almost four weeks. Moxley said that he didn't know the answer to that question and said that the question was above his pay grade. Jon Moxley also said that he doesn't know anything about how AEW Double or Nothing will take place in this tough time.

Jon Moxley was also asked about the growing talent in AEW. Moxley said that everybody was a growing talent in AEW. Moxley thinks everyone that’s been given the ball in AEW is the future talents. He praised Joey Janela and said that he became an instant fan of Joey Janela after fighting him. He revealed that he didn't know about these young talents before he came to AEW.

Jon Moxley also named Darby Allin as the rising star. He said that Darby Allin is one of the hottest rising stars in the business. He also mentioned the Spanish God, Sammy Guevara. He said that Sammy Guevara took that opportunity with the Inner Circle and just dug right in and took the ball and ran with it. He also said that everyone in the women's division is doing well.

He indirectly mentions WWE revealing the difference between WWE and AEW. Jon Moxley revealed AEW'S key to success by saying everybody’s gotten the chance to be themselves. Nobody’s been handed some script and nobody’s been told what they’re going to be or who they’re going to be which WWE usually does and said that fans can spot the difference. 

He also gave suggestions to the young and inexperienced wrestlers. He said that it takes some time in the beginning because when beginners first start out, they don’t know what they are doing, so it’s hard to have any confidence. So it’s about listening to smart veterans and people who have their best interests at heart and so forth at the beginning. Moxley said that once they get some experience and start branching into what specifically they are going to be, it’s about being unapologetic and just doing things the way that they feel is right to do Moxley said to look at The Young Bucks, who are the best tag team in the world. He said that they flouted every convention that’s been thrown at them over the years and so forth and now are just undeniably the best tag team in the world.

Jon Moxley said to take him as an example. He said that once he was stopped caring and stopped doing the things by unconventional means that he thinks are going to get him somewhere or whatever. He said that all of a sudden when people get an attitude like “screw it, let’s see what happens” and that's the time when things get into the hands. He advised everyone to be themselves. He said that he is not the only example. He said " It’s almost like once you stop caring and you just do whatever gets over, you just kind of go with it and don’t care about any criticisms, that’s all of a sudden when you find your groove, if that makes any sense. Play the music you want to play the way that you want to play it, you know?". It's really great advice from the champ.

Jon Moxley also reveals his quarantine life. He said that he got a pretty sweet deal, all things considered. He is just kind of hanging out in Vegas with Renee Young who is Moxley‘s favorite person to hang out with anyway. He said that he was pretty lucky to be stuck in the house with Renee Young. Renee is cooking his meals and they are just hanging out watching movies and training in their garage and backyard, hanging out with the dogs, and staying safe.

Moxley said that he can’t complain about his situation. He said that a lot of people out there have it a lot worse and his heart goes out to all those people. Hopefully, we come into some good times pretty soon, Moxley said. He said that we can't even think to live in a situation like this but we are. He said that he is a bit sad about other people's conditions and happy for what he has. He is happy to be staying at home.

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