Brodie lee attacks fellow dark order members.

A few wrestlers are already at the ring and Cody Rhodes along with his dog Pharoah enters the commentating section with Tony Schiavone. Other TNT championship matches are announced' they are kip Sabian vs Dustin Rhodes, lance archer with colt cabana.

Kenny Omega vs Trent (with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy)

Trent will be facing AAA mega champion Kenny omega. Trent was in a fire at the start of the match and Kenny took control in minutes. Trent and orange Cassidy go for a hug. omega with a flip over. mega asks orange a hug but Taylor disrupts. we should follow the social distancing. omega goes for quick endings. Omega was caught by Trent. both with quick action and multiple covers. Trent hits two snapdragon suplexes and covers him. Kenny recovers, a v triggers right for a one-winged angel for a victory. good sportsmanship by Kenny and Trent after the match.

Hikaru Shida vs. Anna Jayy

Hikaru shiva vs Anna Jayy is going to happen next. we all know that Shida is going to win.from the start of the match Shida is very dominant. The dentist, Britt Baker, is not happy. She talks some trash. she respectfully said six feet of distance. Shida is still so dominant. Jayy recovers and with some unnecessary attempts to lose the match by a tilt a whirl

Jon and Jack In a no holds barred

Last week, Jon Moxley attacked Jake Hager. Last night on AEW Dark, Jake Hager sneak attacks Jon Moxley.

Jake Hager says 'Moxley you are a fool if you think you can compete with me. you holding the title doesn't scare me at all. I'm pissed off and I know a lot of people want the title. I realize I have a big target on my back and I'm pissed because others want to take the title away from me. Chris Jericho says Moxley does everything for the fans, unlike the Inner Circle, they do everything for themselves. Moxley says ' I know Hager well, I ain't afraid of him, but understands the skills that Hager possesses. Hager knows Moxley isn't as strong as him and isn't as ruthless as he is. Sammy Guevara notes that Hager is undefeated in MMA and in AEW. haha, only 3 matches remember. Moxley says I know you want the title so I went after Hager since he was most likely coming for him. Jericho says he has a rematch coming against Moxley, but he's letting Hager do his thing. Jericho says Inner Circle isn't like The Elite. Jon Moxley will defend the title against Jake Hager in an Empty Arena No Holds Barred Match in two weeks.

Lance Archer vs. Marko

AEW is conducting very simple matches. we know that Marko is a pile of trash in the ring, the stunt is dominant from the start of the match and he will be winning. Archer is dominant from the start of the match. Archer hits him with a blackout for a victory. maybe luchasaurus should take Markos' revenge.

Brodie Lee attacks fellow dark order members.

Brodie lee says during these scary and unprecedented times, he understands how we feel. Lee says at one point he was scared and beaten down, but no longer. He has one minion stand and he says "Thank you, Mr. Lee." Lee says, "It's Mr. Brodie." He then says, "Sorry, Exalted One." Lee angrily says "It's Mr. Brodie!" another dark order fellow yawns and Mr. Brodie lee says never yawn in his presence.

Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall with Brandi Rhodes will face 8 and 9 (Dark Order Minions). This is a pie-eating match for Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall. Double team and flapjack for a victory. Brandi congratulated them and Brodie lee comes and powerbombs a guy in the dark order


Chris Jericho is on a holiday enjoying at the beach, vanguard approaches him and he offers a good offer to vanguard and presents vanguard a t-shirt of the inner circle. vanguard flees away and Jericho orders his hounds to attack vanguard. a funny segment. Matt Jackson trains with Nick Jackson to make him recoverable from the injury.

Babies vs Heels

Cody and Spears start the things going, quick tags. this is not the main event of the show. may Cody and allin victorious. Spears and Sammy with unfair gameplay through the match. I didn't like it. wagering in the match also by Sammy and spears. Maybe Pharoah is not happy with Cody's performance in the ring. Cody and Allin lost for nothing in today's match. If this happens at the tournament, then Cody may not win the TNT championship.

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